/, Bitumen/WHAT IS BITUMEN VG 30


2023-03-30T16:45:39+04:00 30 August 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |0 Comments

Bitumen VG 30 full name is bitumen viscosity grade 30 so as it’s clear now we can understand from its full name, the name of this grade of Bitumen is chosen according to its viscosity and this bitumen would be in the viscosity bitumen group.

The “VG” in Bitumen VG 30 stands for “Viscosity Grade,” which is a standard used to classify bitumen based on its viscosity at a particular temperature. In the case of Bitumen VG 30, the “30” refers to the viscosity of the bitumen at 60 degrees Celsius, which is between 2400 and 3000 centipoises.

One of the important test items for bitumen would be its viscosity and the bitumen who have special viscosity will be Classification according to its viscosity we have viscosity bitumen grades from 10 to 40 according to their viscosity.

The absolute Viscosity of this grade of bitumen at 60 C° would be a minimum of 2400 and if this viscosity increase or decreases the grade of VG bitumen will change and when viscosity will increasing the grade number will increase and if decreasing the grade number will decrease too.

Bitumen VG 30 would be one the best grades of Bitumen for Road construction projects in countries that have humid and moderate climates like India.

This type of Bitumen is a commonly used grade of bitumen or asphalt binder. Bitumen is a highly viscous, black, semi-solid form of petroleum. It is used in road construction and surfacing, as well as in the roofing and waterproofing industries.

Bitumen VG 30 is commonly used in hot mix asphalt (HMA) for road construction and resurfacing. It is also used as a binder in the production of bituminous roofing membranes and waterproofing materials.

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