What is Bitumen 60/70

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What is Bitumen 60/70

2023-04-05T18:00:42+04:00 4 July 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |0 Comments

Bitumen 60/70 is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with different structures and masses that can not be accurately defined and is generally black or blackish brown. It has a high boiling point, good adhesion, and is waterproof.

This bitumen is generally produced from refining processes. According to statistics, the approximate annual production in the world is 90 million tons per year. The bitumen 60/70 is a viscous fluid at medium to high temperatures and becomes a brittle solid at low temperatures. The relationship between temperature and stability or consistency is of great importance. this relationship is important because we need fluid to mix bitumen with mineral masses. while for compaction by rollers, it must be a little harder to be able to create a stable and firm layer on the surface. this hydrocarbon mixture is a viscoelastic material whose properties are affected not only by temperature but also by loading speed.

Bitumen 60/70 quality would be very important and follow of some test items we can understand what is bitumen 60/70 quality.

These more important test items would be as below:

  1. Penetration test
  2. Softening Point test
  3. Viscosity test
  4. Spot Test

if we wanted to explain to you, in Summary, must say that the two items of Penetration and the softening point must be in a standard range of 60-70 as penetration and its softening point must be in the range of 49-56 C till we call it bitumen 60/70 and follow of these two items will determine that this grade of bitumen is suitable for which climate.

Reading the viscosity test we must mention that it would be one of the important test items for bitumen because it would be important for users to follow this item they will find how and how much they can mix bitumen 60/70 with other additives for producing different grades of bituminous products.

and finally one of the more important test items would be the SPOT TEST can be positive or negative and for a standard bitumen 60/70, it must be negative because when it’s negative it means that this bitumen is produced from standard raw material with normal temperature and it did not burn in distillation tower and if the test result to be positive it means that this bitumen will not be produced from standard raw material and it produced with high temperature and it burned in a distillation tower.

So as you can see these are important items for understanding the bitumen 60/70 has good quality or not.

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