Polyethylene Wax Production

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Polyethylene Wax Production

2023-03-30T14:08:24+04:00 30 March 2022|Categories: Articles, PE WAX|Tags: , |0 Comments

Waxes are solids that become liquid with low viscosity as the temperature rises. Waxes are often long chains of organic materials that have a melting range and no melting point.
If the wax is completely pure and refined, it is completely dry and brittle.
Polyethylene wax is a very low molecular weight WAX, which is mainly produced by two methods:
1- High-pressure polymerization (using oxygen-containing catalysts)
2- Low-pressure polymerization (using Ziegler-Nata catalyst) or production chain failure method
In the production method of low-pressure polymerization using Ziegler-Nata catalysts, polyethylene wax is a by-product of the reaction. In this method, polyethylene wax is obtained with short linear chains with hydrocarbon saturation bonds.
In this production method, hexane is used as a suspending agent or reaction medium in the process. After the polymerization process, the wax separation operation is performed through physical processes and the polyethylene wax is recycled from the solvent
In this method, the effect of hydrogen and butane concentrations, which are important and influential factors in the properties of polyethylene wax, are investigated. By increasing the hydrogen concentration, the melting temperature, softening temperature, and hardness of polyethylene wax decreases, and also with increasing butane, the physical properties of the wax, including increasing the melting temperature, softening temperature, and hardness, improve.
The items that can be considered in the production of good quality PE WAX are as follows:
Consider applications on the properties of manufactured wax
Reducing reaction lines to produce wax with suitable preset properties

Polyethylenes with very low molecular weight Mn (less than (10000)) are produced in two ways. The first method is high-pressure polymerization with oxygen catalysts and the second method is low-pressure polymerization with Ziegler-Nata catalyst.
Polyethylene waxes have the same construction base, but products produced with different production processes cause different properties in them.
In different processes of polyethylene production, factors such as molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, and the number of side branches are different, and this parameter affects the properties of the produced wax.
Different production processes of PE WAX have a significant impact on product use. A product obtained from a petrochemical plant or plant with a specific process may be suitable for one product market while another product with a different process may be suitable for another application.

PE waxes, which are a by-product of ethylene polymerization, have a better molecular weight distribution than directly synthesized polyethylene waxes.
These polyethylene waxes are obtained by separating low molecular weight polyethylene cuts using hexane solvent.

In this method of production, other processes can be added to reduce the fluctuations of properties, for example, vacuum distillation to PE WAX with a narrower molecular weight can be obtained, or copolymerization of ethylene with other olefins such as propylene, Butane, and hexane can extend the range of available properties of polyethylene waxes.

The melting point and hardness of PE waxes are reduced by adding side branches which are created by adding olefins, but in this method, the viscosity is increased due to the increase in the length of the side branches, which is one of its advantages.
One of the by-products of HDPE petrochemicals that is produced during the polymerization process is PE WAX.
Polyethylene wax consists of low molecular weight polyethylene chains that are soluble in hexane under reaction conditions. In centrifuges, first polyethylene powder is produced and then separated from hexane in the recycling section of PE WAX.
Polyethylene wax, which is a by-product of polyethylene production in petrochemicals, has been dried and purified by Aras Petrochemical Company, and all volatiles including hexane, alcohol and its moisture are separated and refined by using a rotary evaporator under a vacuum and vacuum oven.
PE WAX produced by Aras Petrochemical Company is used for final purposes as a processing aid and lubricant in the masterbatch and PVC production industries.

The goal of Aras Petrochemical Company is to reduce production costs and increase the quality of the product and increase customer satisfaction.

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