Yearly Archives: 2022



Gilsonite or mineral bitumen is a black, hard, and brittle material with a shiny surface, In fact, it is a solid hydrocarbon that due to underground layers events and geographical conditions, During the previous thousands of years in the sources of crude oil storage in the vertical layers below the surface of the earth under [...]

2023-03-30T14:07:31+04:00 20 December 2022|Categories: Articles, Gilsonite|Tags: |0 Comments


Bitumen Types Petroleum bitumen is a viscous and black substance that consists of a large number of hydrocarbons and is solid or semi-solid at ambient temperature. Petroleum bitumen is produced in the process of crude oil distillation and refining in an oil refinery in a distillation tower. In oil-rich countries, mostly transfer crude oil to [...]

2023-04-05T17:21:05+04:00 11 November 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |0 Comments


Bitumen VG 30 full name is bitumen viscosity grade 30 so as it's clear now we can understand from its full name, the name of this grade of Bitumen is chosen according to its viscosity and this bitumen would be in the viscosity bitumen group. The "VG" in Bitumen VG 30 stands for "Viscosity Grade," which [...]

2023-03-30T16:45:39+04:00 30 August 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |0 Comments


This petroleum product is a black material that has a pasty shape and its main application is in waterproofing and asphalt making. There are different types of this petroleum products, each of which has its own different applications. More specifically, it can be said that the combination of hydrocarbons in this petroleum product is a paste and [...]

2023-04-05T17:30:49+04:00 28 August 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |1 Comment


Bitumen SPOT TEST is a fast and efficient method in the quality control laboratory. The positive result of the SPOT TEST indicates that the Bitumen was produced with excess heat or in other words the produced bitumen burnt. And its negative result indicates the production and storage of the relevant Bitumen sample were in the normal [...]

2023-04-05T17:27:00+04:00 28 August 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |0 Comments

What is Bitumen 60/70

Bitumen 60/70 is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with different structures and masses that can not be accurately defined and is generally black or blackish brown. It has a high boiling point, good adhesion, and is waterproof. This bitumen is generally produced from refining processes. According to statistics, the approximate annual production in the world is [...]

2023-04-05T18:00:42+04:00 4 July 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |0 Comments

Bitumen 60/70 Production

Different ways of Bitumen 60/70 production: Distillation Process The easiest way of Bitumen 60/70 production would be using crude oil in a distillation tower, this residue has hydrocarbons with a high boiling point, high molecular weight, and low volatility. Crude oil is first distilled in the atmospheric tower and light compounds such as diesel are separated [...]

2023-04-05T18:05:08+04:00 3 July 2022|Categories: Articles, Bitumen|Tags: |0 Comments

Polyethylene Wax Production

Waxes are solids that become liquid with low viscosity as the temperature rises. Waxes are often long chains of organic materials that have a melting range and no melting point. If the wax is completely pure and refined, it is completely dry and brittle. Polyethylene wax is a very low molecular weight WAX, which is mainly [...]

2023-03-30T14:08:24+04:00 30 March 2022|Categories: Articles, PE WAX|Tags: , |0 Comments

Polyethylene Wax Uses In Masterbatch

Advantage Of Using Polyethylene Wax in Masterbatch In the production of colored plastic industries, there are many problems in terms of color uniformity and stainlessness of the final product, which are related to pigments and color pigments. Pigmented powders for the production of color Masterbatches can cause problems such as Destructive effects on the mechanical properties [...]

2023-03-30T14:08:33+04:00 16 March 2022|Categories: Articles, PE WAX|Tags: |4 Comments

Polyethylene Wax Applications

What Are Polyethylene Wax or PE WAX Applications? Waxes are solids that become liquid with low viscosity when the temperature rises. Waxes are often long chains of organic materials that have a melting range and no specific melting point. The deformation of waxes due to temperature changes is a very important factor in their applications. Waxes [...]

2023-03-30T14:08:41+04:00 19 February 2022|Categories: Articles, PE WAX|Tags: , |0 Comments
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